This offer is only good during the month of July '90 so go out there and sign them up!
If you need additional membership forms or have questions call Michael Bean at
(602) 892-5454
Video Training...
Recently we have video taped several of our AMUG meetings and found them to be a
great training resource. Many of our members are unable to attend every meeting
that they would like to. As such, a video tape of the presentation makes a great alternative. I watched our first tape made with Silicon Beach on SuperCard and
Personal Press and found that there were many items on the tape that I had missed.
Bill Davis has done an excellant job capturing the projector output on screen so that when you watch the video you hear the speakers voice and see the screen picture of
the program on TV similar to as you would on the Macintosh. We will have these
videos available for $15 each at Mesa Computer Mart and our main meetings. These resources should offer a very inexpensive training alternative.
AMUG T-Shirts...
As most of you know by now our AMUG‚Ñ¢ T-Shirts have been a
great success. Every shirt we had purchased sold at our first
meeting ....... so we ordered another 65! AMUG T-Shirts are a
great way to show your AMUG spirit! You can obtain these beauties